Earthing and Gounding Documentaries
The Healing Power of Barefoot Grounding
I have personally experienced the seemingly magical healing that comes from simply placing bare feet on the Earth. The documentaries I’ve shared explore both the science and real-life outcomes of earthing and grounding—practices that are similar yet distinct from grounding through mindfulness and meditation. Simple yet profound, these natural healing capacities surround us, waiting to be remembered.
I have been barefoot hiking for 12 years. It began as a response to a daunting diagnosis, but now it has become a craving, a calling, an undeniable part of me. Until recently, I had never fully articulated why—why my body instinctively removes shoes, why my feet long for direct contact with the Earth, why this practice feels so essential.
One day, as I was slipping off my sandals before a hike, a friend groaned in a half-whining tone, “Can’t I just ground with my shoes on?” I paused, closed my eyes, and let the answer reveal itself.
The moment my bare feet touch the earth, my entire body electrifies, charged by a current of energy running through me. At first, it takes a few moments to drop in—but then something shifts. Instead of clomping noisily in shoes, my whole body begins to move differently—lighter, quieter, more attuned. My feet dangle effortlessly off my legs, landing with precision and integrity, deeply feeling the trail beneath me. Each step becomes a dance with the land, my senses firing as I choose my next foothold in a rapid, fluid succession.
I am no longer just seeing the forest—I am feeling it.
I am feeling Her.
The Earth.
Her support, her beauty, her vast, nourishing presence.
The energy rushes up through my feet, flows through my body, and radiates out through my hands, my heart, my mind.
Getting Started
The best way to begin is slowly, intuitively. Start with a pair of sandals—bare feet for soft soil, sandals for the rougher patches. On and off, on and off. Over time, your feet will adapt. Your calluses will thicken, your tolerance will grow. Mine are at least 1/8 inch thick now—I can take more heat, walk farther on rock. But this is not about pushing limits or proving anything. It is about connection, not ego. Go slow. Let it be a process of unfolding, not a challenge to conquer. Healing is not a straight line.
Healing requires awareness—awareness of yourself, of your body, of energy moving through you in ways you may never have noticed before. When you drop fully into this space, let the energy spill from your skin, forming a shimmering barrier of light around you.
We call this your bubble. And from this place, keep going. Keep feeling. Keep learning.
We are all finding our way.